About me
The beautiful city of Hamburg is were I was born and grew up. Quite early I was questioning what was given to me by parents, teachers and society and was wondering about the meaning of my life. With 21 I met the Indian mystic Osho and became his disciple. I was intrigued by him, his work and the commune that developed around him in Pune, India. It is a place full of joy and aliveness with lots of music, dance, meditation and working together. With intervalls I spent many years in this “Buddhafield”. There I participated also in many trainings such as Neo-Reichian Bodywork, Holistic-Massage, Dance-Meditation, Childhood-conditioning, Osho's Meditative Therapies – specially the “Mystic Rose” and Craniosacral-Balancing.
After living a few years in Freiburg I had the chance to create this “Karavanserai” right next to the Shangri La Osho Meditation Center to which I am connected already since many years.
It is very nice for me to have such a variety of possibilities here, and it is my hearts desire to integrate meditation, celebration and creativity into daily life.
2011 webdesign © satya